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Weatherford College

Weatherford College board extends president’s contract

Approves 2023-24 tuition and fees  


The Weatherford College Board of Trustees approved a one-year extension to President Tod Allen Farmer’s contract and approved the 2023-24 tuition and fees schedule at their meeting Thursday, March 9.  

“I really appreciate the work that’s been done by our college president for the last year," said board chairman Mac Smith. “Obviously, we have many, many people who work on the executive level, and I want to tell you how much I really appreciate what you do... We are lucky to have Dr. Farmer; we’ve been very fortunate to have him and what he brings to the table.”  

Farmer was hired by the board in 2018 and his contract now extends to 2026. The board also approved a 6 percent raise in his salary.  

"It's a great honor and a privilege to serve with the many, many dynamic stakeholders of Weatherford College,” Farmer said. “Weatherford College has always been a great place, and it's becoming even better. And that's not a result of just the president, everyone knows that it's our entire team working together to propel this institution forward.”  

The 2023-24 tuition and fees schedule includes several changes, including an $8 per semester credit hour increase for in-district students and a new technology fee of $10 per semester credit hour.  

“It’s interesting, in the news, the price of getting an education for a teacher has really become spotlighted and the shortage of teachers,” said board member G.B. Bailey. “And the fact that we now have a four-year bachelor’s degree for education at a cost like this is wonderful for the community. Hopefully, it will encourage more people to go into that field.”  

A full list of the new tuition and fees can be located in the March board packet available at https://wc.edu/about/administration-departments/board-of-trustees/agendas.php 


In other business, the board:  

  • Approved the minutes from the Feb. 9 board meeting.  
  • Approved the financial reports ending Feb. 28.  
  • Approved the quarterly investment report.  
  • Approved a Sourcewell Cooperative Contract quote on electric vehicle charging station equipment for the NCTCOG grant project.  
  • Approved a resolution to authorize an interlocal agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Governments.  
  • Approved cooperative contract quotes on HVAC air duct cleaning at the main campus.  
  • Approved TASB update No. 44.  
  • Approved competitive sealed proposals as the method of procurement and delegated authority and selection of a committee to Farmer for the Carter property site development project, for the electric vehicle charging stations site development project, and for the irrigation well replacement project at the main campus.  
  • Received a written academic and student service update including a new partnership between WC and Our Lady of the Lake University for an accelerated completion agreement for students in WC’s Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Organizational Leadership program who wish to continue studies in the OLLU master’s program.  
  • Received a public relations update from Brent Baker, Katie Edwards and Crystal Woerly including data on the college’s website, print publications, video production, social media, press releases, community engagement and radio station.  
  • Approved authorizing the college president to proceed with an application for a Registered Texas Historical Marker to be placed at the DeBresson stable located on the Carter property. 


In his President’s Report, Farmer:  

  • Thanked the board of trustees for their support of new academic programs at WC including the recently approved bachelor’s degree in education, the fourth bachelor’s program at WC.  
  • Congratulated WC alumnus Shaun Martin on recently winning a Grammy Award.  
  • Announced the WC Foundation Board of Directors recently renamed the permanent scholarship endowment program in honor of the late Bob Glenn.  
  • Announced the Intercollegiate Tennis Association recently ranked the WC women’s tennis team No. 15 in the nation.  
  • Recognized the campus police department, three members from the food service department and several student life employees who served WC students during the February ice storm.  
  • Announced the resignations of Theresa Hutchison, executive assistant to the president; Chelsea Cochran, assistant director of creative services; and Lisa D’Amico, humanities instructor.


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