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Letter to Editor

Thanks from Ex-Students

Thanks from Ex-Students

The Aledo Ex-Students Association board members would like to say THANKS for helping us have a great year. We had about 78 ex-students and guests attend the banquet. Monetary donations and our silent auction will enable us to present scholarships to three graduates of the Aledo High School, Class of 2024. These scholarships are given in memory of Jimmy Jackson and Don Homsley, who gave their lives in Vietnam, and Paul Kim, another graduate who died in Ukraine.

Any ex-student not receiving information on the banquet and would like to do so, please send your name and address to P. 0. Box 737, Aledo, Texas 76008.

If we have inadvertently left your name off the following list, please accept our apologies.

THANKS again, especially to the following generous supporters: ACE Hardware, Aledo Athletic Club, Aledo High School, Big Burger, Blue Jasmine (Hudson Oaks), Boo Rays of Hudson Oaks, Clear Fork Materials, Dehnisch Construction Group, Inc., Dillard Feed (Weatherford), Doss Heritage Center, Fire Oak Grill, Hofbrau Steak & Grill House, Home Depot (Weatherford), Lavendar Nails, Lazy J Ranch Wear, Logans Roadhouse, Mesquite Pit (Weatherford), Moss Insurance Group (Aledo), Mr. Jim's Pizza (Aledo), Nykaza's Auto Repair (Steve Green), Parker County Graphics, Railhead (Willow Park), R&K Cafe, The Community News, Shary Anderson, Barbara & Jerry Ballard, Pam Bean, Greg Bennett, Sharon Canafax, Bettie Sue & John Cook, Mona Fields, Mike & Ann Grace, Julian Hernandez, Terry & Helen Hyles, Kirk & Pam Johnson, Lula Kirk, Vaughan & Margaret Morris, Norman Morton, Steve & Jerry Reid, Stephen & Jan Reid, Kelly & Pat Riley, Virginia Tanner, JanTonroy, Tad Watts, Ben & Mari Whiteman, Diane Wiley, Jimmy Joe & Susan Wiley, Wiley Properties, Renna Wood.

- The 2023 Board Members: Ben Whiteman, Kelly Riley, June King, Bettie Sue Cook, Pam Bean, Ann Grace, Sharon Canafax, Jan Tonroy, Jo Henry, Susan Wiley and Margaret Morris


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