The Aledo Ex-Student Association board members would like to say THANKS for helping us to have a great year. We had about 65 ex-students and guests attend the banquet. Monetary donations and our silent auction will enable us to present scholarships to two graduates of the Aledo High School Class of 2023. These scholarships are given in memory of Jimmy Jackson and Don Homsley, who gave their lives in Vietnam. If there is an ex-student who is not receiving information on the banquet and you would like to do so, please send your name and address to PO Box 737, Aledo, TX 76008.
If we have inadvertently left your name off of the list, please accept our apologies. Again, THANKS, especially to the following generous supporters.
Ace Hardware Willow Park, Aledo ISD, Ben and Mari Whiteman, Bettie Sue Cook, Brenda McKenzie Johnson, Cracker Barrel, Clear Fork Materials, Dillard's Feed Store Weatherford, Debbie Garrison, Glen King, June King, Jan Tonroy, Jim Hardick, Johnny Bell, Kelly and Pat Riley, Lula Kirk, Mesquite Pit, Mona Fields, Margaret and Vaughn Morris, Norman Morton, Nykaza's Auto Repair, Outback - Bone Fish, Olive Garden, Pam Bean, Pat Whiteman, Railhead, Russell and Virginia Tanner, Sharon Vinson, Squaw Creek Golf Course, Salt Grass, Sharon Canafax, Terry and Helen Hyles, Texas Road House.
- The 2022 Board Members: Kelly, Ben, Margaret, Ann, June, Bettie Sue, Pam, Sharon, Jan, Jo and Lillian
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