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New Faith Baptist Church holds groundbreaking


Leaders of New Faith Baptist Church turn dirt for the new construction project.
Leaders of New Faith Baptist Church turn dirt for the new construction project.
Special to The Community News

New Faith Baptist Church, located on FM 5 in Annetta, held a groundbreaking and dedication ceremony for a new building on Aug. 27.

The 6,700 square foot building will house a new sanctuary, classrooms, and space for family ministry.

Senior Pastor Brandon Carter, Howard Watson of Howard Watson Construction, LLC, and church leaders turned dirt with silver shovels as the congregation looked on.  Pastor Carter challenged the church to move “Forward in Faith” with prayers of support for the undertaking.

Carter noted that many individuals contributed to this project, “but the glory and honor should be wholly placed at the feet of our Lord.”  He also commented, “This building will allow us to provide much-needed ministry to our congregation and our community. It will support more growth and assist us in being able to take the Gospel to others.”

Completion of the project is anticipated to be 18 months.  

Pastor Carter said the church has outgrown its current building due to an increase in membership and additional service ministries.

Pastor Brandon Carter provides comments to the congregation during the groundbreaking ceremony.
Pastor Brandon Carter provides comments to the congregation during the groundbreaking ceremony.
Special to The Community News

”This growth is directly related to the blessings God has bestowed upon the church,” he said.

New Faith Baptist Church is considered “a small church with a big heart.” There are active ministries for all age groups, with an emphasis on family and children.


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