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Aledo ISD

Aledo FFA dominates national grant awards


The honors are great but the selected are few. Out of 1,238 FFA Service Access Equity Grant applications submitted nation-wide,16 were selected from Texas and, of those, 14 are from Aledo High School.

Yordi Atayde, Logyn Denbow, Maxton Ferreira, Tripp Hoff, Dylan Hoover, Ashlyn Leyva, Matthew Long, Stran Mayes, Hannah McCain, Emma Patterson, Maggie Perez, Jonathan Reves, Camryn Williamson, and Megan Williamson each received $1,000 grants.

SAE grants are intended to help FFA members create or expand designed Supervised Agricultural Experience projects, which are a requirement each FFA member must complete. Members then submit comprehensive reports of their career development experience after completing the projects.

AISD Agriculture Education Coordinator Chris Tondre said he is proud of his students’ work to get ready for the Fort Worth Stock Show.

“Now we’re seeing the result of that hard work in ribbons and scholarships earned,” Tondre said. “Our FFA students spend hours before and after school working on projects and they are a wonderful example of how all-in our ag students and staff are in Aledo ISD.”


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