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Randy, I’m disappointed in you.

This is so misleading. To start off your piece by saying you strive for objectivity and then fail to be objective, that’s bold.

First of all, the “vast majority” of voters in Parker County are not Republican Primary voters. They might be Republicans, but not primary voters.

Second, you can find things in common with Pelosi and Rogers. She also opposes letting parents of all incomes choose what school to send their children to. So to suggest that there is no “crossover of political thought” between the two is a flat-out lie. Is it a little excessive to compare Rogers to her? Sure. But there’s a reason why Rogers has consistently been ranked as one of the least conservative members of the Texas House by the University of Houston (https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/15/mark-jones-texas-house-special-2023-liberal-conservative-scores/).

Most people at the bottom of that chart represent moderate districts, ones that statewide Republicans often lose, such as Guillen in South Texas or Allison in San Antonio. Rogers represents one of the most conservative districts in Texas, making it pretty obvious he’s out of touch with his voters.

Third, how can you sit there and act like you’re objective and not advocating for Rogers, while not talking about the attacks Olcott has faced? Rogers claimed he has a yacht for gods sake. There have been many others awful attacks on Olcott. If you were objective you would talk about both in detail. There’s a reason you chose to just talk about the Rogers ones, and it’s the opposite of objectivity. You talk about all the money behind Olcott, why not talk about all the money behind Rogers? Again, you’re not being objective. You’re misleading voters. Taking sides is not appropriate for a party chair, and it’s also not appropriate for a journalist. You’re just as guilty as Gray.

P.S. Did you really go through the entire lineage of Empower Texans and then say you don’t know who Texans for Fiscal Responsibility is? Cmon dude your research was so shallow. TFR is the same group, the precursor to Empower.

The fact that these groups who attacked Abbott, made fun of him, spent millions trying to beat him in the last election, support Olcott…and the Governor is also supporting Olcott…shows just how bad of a representative Dr. Rogers has been. But you don’t mention that at all.

Write all you want, advocate all you want, but don’t sit there and say you’re objective. That is the biggest lie of them all.

From: Don’t let character assassination affect your vote

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