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With the opening of one new campus and the renovation of two others, the Aledo Independent School District is taking additional steps to insure student safety. The new McAnally Middle School and …

Meet Your Neighbors

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The annual Bearcat Nation 101 on Saturday, Aug. 6, gave new members of the community an opportunity to learn about the community. When you see these folks out and about, give them a hello and a …

Wanna know how much Everett Smick loves and knows about science? Just ask him a question. Odds are pretty good - make that very good - that he’ll get the answer right. In fact, you …

Volleyball season is officially underway, and the Aledo Ladycats are on a mission. After a first round exit in 2021 at the hands of Birdville, Aledo is out to prove it is among the best in the state …

The rapid growth in the Aledo ISD has led to the need for ever more facilities needed to educate increasing numbers of students. In 2019, Aledo ISD voters approved issuing bonds to, among other …

Connections Mentoring Program The Connections Mentoring Program of Aledo ISD helps to empower youth in our community to make positive life choices that enable them to maximize their potential. …

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress authorized spending that allowed schools to serve free meals for all students. That program is no longer in effect, so Aledo ISD will transition back to a …

Members of the Aledo ISD Board of Trustees got a quick education on Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code at a special meeting on Monday, July 25, in the wake of a request from an unnamed company to …

The rapid enrollment growth in the Aledo ISD was on everyone’s mind when the school board voted to convene a growth committee to formulate a plan for needed future facilities and to develop the …

Aledo High School held its annual Honor Graduate Banquet on May 2 to recognize the top 10 percent of the graduating class of 2022. Each student selected a teacher that has had the greatest impact on …

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