The biggest item on the agenda at the Jan. 16 meeting of the Annetta Town Council was the potential of replatting lots, drainage, and access to Deer Creek Phase IX. Kenmark Homes is a Dallas/Fort …
The small town of Annetta has once again demonstrated its big heart. The annual Toys for Tots drive, which concluded on Dec. 13, was called a resounding success by city officials, thanks to the …
With a constant emphasis on student safety in schools, the Annetta Town Council passed an item that will provide additional security and safety at two elementary schools at their most recent meeting …
Joel Robbins is acutely aware there are people who don’t live in Aledo, yet they “know all about it.” Robbins is the Senior Pastor of Aledo United Methodist Church, a church that …
When we see a child on a swing, playing hide-and-seek, or chasing a butterfly, we are reminded that it is the little things that bring us the greatest joy. The late American author and …
The Annetta Town Council approved a partnership with KKM Associates, LLC to become their engineering firm for the Town of Annetta. As one of the top assignments under their agreement, …
The Annetta City Council meeting on Thursday, May was a bit somber with the resignation of long-time member Bruce Pinckard. He had severed the City of Annetta for 19 years. From 2005-2010 …
The Town of Annetta implemented mandatory water restrictions or the Deer Creek Water System effective at 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 20. Landscape watering at each service address is limited …
Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1 has announced the groundbreaking and construction of a new fire and rescue training center at 1439 Farmer Road. According to a release from ESD 1, …